A non-profit initiative thrives on the support of partners, including media outlets, companies, and the dedicated individuals who invest their time to make it a reality. The complete list of our partners and sponsors will be announced soon. Thank you!
Podnews website, the newsletter and the podcast are intended to be a quick, daily update with global news for those involved in podcasting and on-demand audio. It launched in May 2017. It is curated by James Cridland.Women Who Podcast
A magazine for and about independent women podcasters. With Kathy Barron, Founder and editor-in-chief. Ausha
Ausha is the first podcast marketing platform with all the tools a podcaster needs to launch and grow their show. Proud partner of Podcasthon since the very first edition.Acast
Whether you're looking to start a new podcast or move your existing podcast, Acast has you covered. Create and publish to every podcast app there is - including Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Amazon Music.The Podcast Academy
Our mission is to support podcast makers and advance the cultural merit of the medium. Through programs including The Ambies®; we celebrate, inspire, and connect creators from around the world, while attracting new audiences to their work.The Passionistas Project
Sisters Amy and Nancy Harrington are the founders of The Passionistas Project, an inclusive sisterhood where passion-driven women come to get support, find their purpose and feel empowered to transform their lives and change the world. The sisterhood features an exclusive network of women hosted and produced podcasts from our community members and Power Passionistas, experts in the fields of business development, personal growth and social impact. Headliner
Go From Audio To Audience! We’ve helped over 1.5 million creators promote their podcasts. From simple audiogram clips to full-length episodes, achieve your podcasting goals and break the sound barrier with Headliner!